This is "General text on entry landing page before an activated entry", is only visible on an entry landing page of an entry and can be configured for every cg_gallery shortcode type in "Edit options" >>> "Entry view"
NOTE:the cg_gallery... shortcode with entry_id added to this page can be placed on any other of your pages
NOTE: social media share icons can be configured in "Edit options" >>> "Entry view"
NOTE: "Back to gallery button custom URL" can be configured in "Edit options" >>> "Entry view"El concurso fotográfico ha terminado
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Nota para usuarios nuevos de la Galería del Concurso:Este texto se puede configurar en "Opciones de edición" > "Opciones de contacto" > "Configuración del formulario de contacto en la galería"
"Activar automáticamente las entradas de los usuarios después de un contacto frontend exitoso" se puede activar/desactivar en "Opciones de edición" >>> "Opciones de contacto"
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No entries foundThis text is visible until first entry appears in the gallery.
This text can be configurated in "Edit options" >>> "Gallery view options" >>> "This text is visible until first entry appears in the gallery"Photo contest ist overPhoto contest ist over1 of 100Buy nowAdd to cartEditar
100😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣🙂🙃😊😇😍😘😜🤑🤗🤔😔🤢🤯🧐🥳🙆🖖👌🤏✌👍👎👊👏🤝🚀🛸🌙⭐⚡🔥❄🌍🌎🌏🏔🌋🏖🏝🍊🍄🍿🍣🍰🍕🍔🍟🛀💎🗺⏰🕹📚🐱🐪🐹🐤1000😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣🙂🙃😊😇😍😘😜🤑🤗🤔😔🤢🤯🧐🥳🙆🖖👌🤏✌👍👎👊👏🤝🚀🛸🌙⭐⚡🔥❄🌍🌎🌏🏔🌋🏖🏝🍊🍄🍿🍣🍰🍕🍔🍟🛀💎🗺⏰🕹📚🐱🐪🐹🐤This is "General text on entry landing page after an activated entry", is only visible on an entry landing page of an entry and can be configured for every cg_gallery shortcode type in "Edit options" >>> "Entry view"
NOTE:the cg_gallery... shortcode with entry_id added to this page can be placed on any other of your pages
NOTE: social media share icons can be configured in "Edit options" >>> "Entry view"
NOTE: "Back to gallery button custom URL" can be configured in "Edit options" >>> "Entry view"